There are many places in the Czech Republic that have played a role in the development of European history. One that you definitely should not miss is Slavkov, just outside the Moravian capital of Brno. Not only will you find a splendid Baroque castle with beautiful gardens here but also the setting of one of Europe’s most famous battles. Take a trip back in time and experience the gripping story of the three emperors who in December 1805 faced off in a bloody battle here.

On a tour of Austerlitz Chateau a few surprises await you. You will walk through sumptuous chambers with lavish decoration; you will see a unique gallery of Baroque paintings; and you can test out the acoustics in the Oval Room, which was specially designed so that during high-level political negotiations it was not possible to hear what individual clusters of delegates were discussing. It was in this very room that an armistice was signed between France and Austria after Napoleon’s battle victory.

Would you like to learn more about the famous Battle of the Three Emperors? Then head for the Cairn of Peace, which was erected on a hill in the village of Prace, the site of the decisive victory of the French over the Russians and Austrians. In a chapel inside the monument another acoustic peculiarity awaits you. There is also an interactive museum nearby where you will feel as though you are right in the midst of the battle that went down in history as Napoleon’s most famous victory.


Palackého náměstí 1, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna