The extensive zoo is located in a wooded park directly in Ostrava. The most valuable animals bred are rare species of lemurs.

The Ostrava Zoo was founded in 1951 and covers an area of almost 100 hectares of deciduous forest with ponds. The zoo part was recently extended to include botanical trails that open up previously inaccessible parts of the complex for visitors and directly connects them to zoological exhibits. Next you will see the Chitwan pavilion with a natural enclosure for big-eared bears or Little Amazon with an exhibit of clawed monkeys and the 5000 liter aquarium simulating the Amazon basin. For children there is a kid's petting zoo and a playground at the Ostrava Zoo.

African rarities

The Ostrava zoo has undergone a major transformation in recent years and visitors can see a variety of new exhibits. From the kept animals the elephants, hippos, tigers, bears, giraffes and chimpanzees are sure to attract. From the smaller animals kept, the rarest species are the collection of Malagasy lemurs, some of which can only be seen in Ostrava.