决不能错过辉煌的文艺复兴式宫殿,它装点着利托姆涅希采 Litoměřice 皇城的主广场。过去皇宫里住过很多名人,如法国演员Gérard Depardieu。宫殿里特殊风格的餐馆和咖啡馆给您提供最好的服务。餐馆菜单上您能找到野味、著名的捷克特色菜,例如蘑菇汁配馒头片,外国的饭菜,饮料方面我们为您推荐当地著名的来自热莫斯卡和利托姆涅希策的品牌葡萄酒或比尔森 Pilsner Urquell 牌啤酒。此外在咖啡馆您可以一边喝咖啡或吃热巧克力糖,一边欣赏爵士音乐。

The highest of quality is also offered by the stylish restaurant and cafe. On the restaurant menu, you will find game, renowned Czech specialities, such as dumplings with mushroom sauce, and also international dishes, which it is recommended you wash down with the local high quality wines from Žernoseky and Litoměřice or Pilsner Urquell beer from Plzeň. In the cafe, you can enjoy a coffee or hot chocolate accompanied by regular jazz evenings.


Grandhotel Salva ****
Mírové náměstí 12
412 01 Litoměřice