用您的双眼和味蕾亲身体味一下帝国酒店超过百年的传统。在顶级奢华的Legend餐厅舒适的环境中您可以品尝到各地区、各民族甚至全世界的美食。这里还为您提供传统与现代方法相结合而制成的美食。您可以尝尝餐厅的特色菜:配料丰富的烤羊腿。优质的葡萄美酒也一定不会令你失望。现代化的La Brasserie咖啡餐厅,有品种众多的各色特点,相信一定有一款是您喜欢的。
Savour a combination of a traditional and modern approach to gastronomy and choose from the specialities of the restaurant: knuckle of lamb with thyme and tomato concassé and potato purée with wasabi. You can also give your taste buds a treat with the superb wines on offer. You are guaranteed to find something to your liking from the many desserts and sweet delicacies on offer in the modern café-restaurant La Brasserie.