Visit the Slatina interactive museum of the Old Cladruby horse and try saddling and bridling a (plush) horse and sitting in a carriage, see the unique collection of whips, saddles, saddlebags and other exhibits and documents mapping the breeding of UNESCO-listed horses. 

Near the Slatiňany Chateau, lovers of noble animals will find one more object to visit, the Švýcárna (Switzarna). The shepherd's hut, which was built in the mid-19th century by rebuilding a hunting lodge, was used for the occasional stay of the nobility in the countryside.

Today, it houses the Old Cladruby Horse Museum, where you can learn about the breeding of this breed of horses, the course of the renovation of the entire building and the life of Professor Bílek - the saviour of the Old Cladruby crows. You can see a replica of the horse box of the UNESCO Kladruby stud farm, try riding in a carriage or driving a horse-drawn carriage and watch films about horses and much more in the screening room.