

For a beautiful smile

In the Czech Republic, you can obtain a first-rate bright smile, straight teeth, or invisible braces quickly and for a reasonable price.

Why Choose the Czech Republic?

Czech dentists are all mandatory members of the Czech Dental Chamber, which has a 25-year tradition and guarantees a professional approach and high-quality treatment. Czech clinics use top-notch equipment and place emphasis on the procedure’s concept, quickness, and the use of mini-invasive methods. The goal is always to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure, and an effort to preserve his or her own healthy teeth for as long as possible. If clients are afraid of pain, they can choose a pain-free dental procedure that takes place under local anaesthetic. Some procedures require total anaesthetic.


Czech clinics use the latest tooth reconstruction methods such as the CEREC system (CEramicREConstruction). The CEREC system combines the latest IT technology and computer-assisted CNC milling. This allows the dentist to produce ceramic fillings, crowns, or facets during a single visit.

  • duration of the procedure: depends on the age of the patient
  • total anaesthetic: no
  • (paediatrics dentistry total anaesthetic: yes)
  • hospitalization: none



Crooked teeth are a frequent and visible problem. This can be corrected with the use of “invisible” braces; these thin, transparent aligners that fit over the teeth can straighten them in an absolutely discreet manner, and results can be seen within several weeks.

  • duration of the procedure: depends on the age of the patient
  • total anaesthetic: no
  • hospitalization: none



Aesthetic tooth defects (spaces between teeth, abnormal tooth position, enamel discolouring that cannot be eliminated in any other way), especially in visible areas, can be corrected with ceramic facets. These are thin ceramic pieces shaped to conceal any imperfection and provide a perfect aesthetic appearance. Their advantage is that the teeth do not need to be ground down significantly, as is the case with regular crowns. Ceramic facets look very natural and are easily applied, the effect is immediate, and they usually require only one visit.

  • duration of the procedure: outpatient procedure
  • total anaesthetic: no
  • hospitalization: none


Dental Implants

The DIRECT IMPLANT system offers a groundbreaking solution for what was once a difficult, painful, and time-consuming implantation procedure. Digital imaging technology and new methods and materials allow these implants to be applied during the course of a single visit without painful surgery, including crown installation. Modern implants are made of titanium with a bioactive surface that the body does not perceive as a foreign material. Under optimum conditions, implants can be used immediately, meaning you can immediately return to work and your social life.

  • duration of the procedure: outpatient procedure
  • total anaesthetic: no
  • hospitalization: none