U Podkovy 酒馆,瑞诺特思

U Podkovy 酒馆,瑞诺特思

U Podkovy 酒馆:在卢日支山脚下体味有机乐趣

欢迎您来到Jitrava 酒店,U Podkovy 酒馆就位于这座酒店里。这里为您提供用新鲜食材制作而成的高级美食。这里不仅有可以为旅客提供时令食品的专属地区,还有专门培养有机食品的地区。配料丰富的烤汉堡是这里的一道招牌菜。另外,还为素食主义者准备了特色沙拉。食客们还可以品尝当地优质的葡萄酒。
The specialities of the establishment include grilled venison and boar burgers served on a bed of homemade chips with marinated rocket. Fresh salads are prepared for vegetarians. Last but not least, the pub offers superb wines and the possibility of guided wine tasting.