U Rudolfovy kratochvíle

U Rudolfovy kratochvíle

U Rudolfovy kratochvíle-兹比罗赫:欢迎来到乡村小馆儿

在您浏览参观Zbiroh城堡以及重建的水井(这口水井是欧洲最深的水井之一,深约164米)之余,您一定要到乡村小馆儿U Rudolfovy kratochvíle看看。餐厅位于底楼,装饰现代化,食物品质也是一流。小馆儿内定期举办带有中世纪风格的晚宴。天气晴朗时,您可以坐在外面的露台上或者花园中的遮阳伞下。
Evenings with a medieval banquet, music, dancers and jugglers are regularly held in the tavern. If the weather is nice, you can have a seat on the terrace outside in the first courtyard or in the garden under the sunshades next to the main chateau gates.