

Rokytna 河上游的雅罗姆涅日采城(Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou) - 萦绕着音乐的捷克凡尔赛宫

捷克的凡尔赛宫坐落在高地(na Vysočině)。当您穿过城堡公园漫步时,音乐必将响彻在您的耳畔,甚至可以穿透不朽的巴洛克式的厚厚的城墙。城堡的主人之一,是来自Questenberk家族的约翰·亚当,他在17世纪末的旅行经历和受过良好教育的素质,使他喜欢的音乐充满了这里的每一个角落。在1730年,这里甚至首演了安东尼·米奇作曲的捷克歌剧“ 雅罗姆涅日采城的建城传说”。参观城堡时,您看到的不只是音乐酒廊,还有歌舞厅,中国宫殿或是邻近的带有罗马式浴池的厅堂。这座音乐城堡的历史一直延续到今天,这里定期举办彼得·德沃尔斯基(Peter Dvorský)国际歌剧节。
The first Czech opera “How the City of Jaroměřice was Founded” by Antonín Míča was even first performed here in 1730. Whilst viewing the chateau, you will see not only music rooms, but also a ballroom, Chinese-style office and sala terrena with adjacent Roman baths. The musical history of the chateau continues today with the Peter Dvorský International Opera Festival regularly being held here.


Náměstí Míru 1, 675 51 Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou