


奥尔利克大坝是捷克最大的蓄水水库,和利普诺以及斯拉皮大坝共同组成伏尔塔瓦河梯级水坝。两个主要的跨河大桥, 波多尔斯基 大桥 (Podolský) 和兹达科维斯基大桥 (Žďákovský) 横跨水域。大坝以奥尔利克文艺复兴时期的城堡命名。皇家城堡兹维科夫 (Zvíkov) 坐落在伏尔塔瓦河和奥塔瓦河的交汇处。乘船游览期间,还可参观其他名胜古迹。奥尔利克水坝是休闲避暑、水上运动和垂钓的理想场所。这里还很受潜水员的青睐,对他们来说,特彻尼日采 (Těchnice) 旧村教堂水下 60 米的潜水记录是一项挑战。
The reservoir gets its name from the Renaissance Orlík Chateau, the confluence of the Vltava and Otava is guarded by royal Zvíkov Castle, and other sites can be viewed during a cruise. Orlík Water Reservoir provides the ideal surroundings for summer recreation, water sports and fishing. It’s also a big favourite with divers, who can set out in search of the flooded church of the former village of Těchnice, which lies about 60 m below the water surface.


Turistické informační centrum Písek Velké náměstí 113/1 Vnitřní Město 397 01 Písek 1