

在瓦尔季采的树林中走不多远,您会发现一个童话里才有的建筑: 巨大的凯旋拱门,或者说是狩猎小屋,称为戴安娜神庙。

雷德尼兹-瓦尔季采地区的小型浪漫建筑过去曾是贵族及其客人的娱乐场所。戴安娜神庙将给您留下深刻的印象,这座 纪念性建筑隐藏在高大的树木背后。事实上,它是一个帝国风格的狩猎小屋,与该地区的其他建筑物一样,由 J. Hardmuth 设计,建筑师 J.Kornhäusel 给了他灵感。传说壮观的列支敦士登狩猎和追踪狩猎就是从这里开始的。小屋的正面装饰有源自古代神话的浮雕,里面是装饰华丽的大殿和猎人的房间。
It is, in reality, a hunting-lodge in the Empire style, which was, like other buildings in the area, conceived by J. Hardmuth; his vision was then brought to life by the architect J. Kornhäusel. The lodge served as the traditional starting-point for the grand Lichtenstein hunts and chases. The chateau facades are decorated with reliefs inspired by ancient mythology, and inside is a richly decorated main hall and huntsman’s apartment.